31 03, 2015

Adrenaline, It’s Genetic

a no-brainer … it is there, so why not, no one else has done it before. Besides, I like to go FAST! But the fulcrum of that risk vs reward balance is set a little different for me … I like to say that it’s in my genetics.

I am often asked “How did you decide […]

19 03, 2015

Team Effort & Appreciation

Behind every successful athlete is a team of people who help make that athlete a success. I write this following a successful team effort at the recent Tour de Murrieta stage race this past weekend. Sisterhood of Cycling, the team I race with, won the Best Overall Team for the Women’s Pro/1/2/3 category at the […]

10 03, 2015

Secret Training Weapons – CVAC

I am writing this blog as I sit in the CVAC pod at the Sporting Club – Aventine in La Jolla, Ca. For those of you that have never heard of CVAC, let me share about what this Mork & Mindy (test of age to see who understands this reference) looking pod is all about. […]

3 03, 2015

1st race this season / illness & age

It has been a quiet last couple weeks as I have been recovering from a pretty bad lung infection that has tempered my training from extreme intensity to a much more moderate intensity with a lot of rest and recovery. I am feeling like I am on the mend, but have lost a little bit […]