24 04, 2015

September 2016 – Women’s Bicycle Land Speed Record event

2016 is slated to be one heck of a year! We have the Olympics, a presidential election, and now (drum roll please) the Women’s Bicycle Land Speed Record happening in 2016!

The ToBeFastest team announces that the Women’s Bicycle Land Speed Record event will be scheduled for September 2016. Although we had originally selected September 2015 […]

31 03, 2015

Adrenaline, It’s Genetic

a no-brainer … it is there, so why not, no one else has done it before. Besides, I like to go FAST! But the fulcrum of that risk vs reward balance is set a little different for me … I like to say that it’s in my genetics.

I am often asked “How did you decide […]

19 03, 2015

Team Effort & Appreciation

Behind every successful athlete is a team of people who help make that athlete a success. I write this following a successful team effort at the recent Tour de Murrieta stage race this past weekend. Sisterhood of Cycling, the team I race with, won the Best Overall Team for the Women’s Pro/1/2/3 category at the […]

10 03, 2015

Secret Training Weapons – CVAC

I am writing this blog as I sit in the CVAC pod at the Sporting Club – Aventine in La Jolla, Ca. For those of you that have never heard of CVAC, let me share about what this Mork & Mindy (test of age to see who understands this reference) looking pod is all about. […]

3 03, 2015

1st race this season / illness & age

It has been a quiet last couple weeks as I have been recovering from a pretty bad lung infection that has tempered my training from extreme intensity to a much more moderate intensity with a lot of rest and recovery. I am feeling like I am on the mend, but have lost a little bit […]

26 01, 2015

The First Blog!

Welcome to the blog. Subscribe to our feed for posts from Denise Mueller, John Howard and others as the race to the record heats up!

Well, I have been asked for a while to start documenting the process leading up to the Land Speed Record event. Here it is … finally! 🙂 Of course there is […]